Acrylic vs Glass: What material is best for Photo Frames?

Photo frames are the favorite choices that people make to preserve and exhibit the fondest memories of the best moments they spend in life. Most often, framed photos say stories and share the emotional connections you have with certain individuals, places, occasions, etc. 

Now, while you think of keeping the pictures safe and secure in a closed frame, there is a much available range of options like wood, glass, and acrylic photo frame covers. The acrylic company in Dubai offers you the best acrylic photo frames, which are widely in demand.

The major acrylic fabricators in Dubai concentrate on providing the best acrylic products and photo frames to give life to the stunning artworks. The glazing cover is the major portion of a frame that lets you see the picture inside the frame clearly with a high level of protection and safeguards the picture from dust particles, foreign substances, etc.

The price, texture, quality, durability, and several factors determine the final decision on purchasing the right frame material for your photos. But have you ever been in a dilemma choosing between glass and acrylic for your photo frames? 

This blog can then help you to conclude the Acrylic Vs. Glass frame, the properties, and which one is the best, along with a detailed explanation of why you should go for it.


Glass Options

Glass Photo Frames - Pleasant Plastic

Though glass materials are cheaper, the major drawback is that they are fragile and susceptible to damages. With significant heaviness, difficulty to damage and manage, glass makes your picture frames complicated. Here are various kinds of glass frame options available.

● Anti-reflection glass

Also called Museum glass, it is made up of an optical coating. It can improve the picture clarity with the elimination of most reflections. 

● Premium clear glass

These are the regular and standard framing glass, but come with a good optical surface, but possess considerable light reflection.

● Non-glare glass

This glass has a scattered reflection of light and gives a blurry output to the pictures inside. This is due to the chemical etching and roughened processes undergone by the glass material.

Acrylic Options

Acrylic Photo Frames - Pleasant Acrylic

Acrylic is an alternative for glass material and is also known as Acrylite. Acrylic is a kind of thermoplastic and scientifically named Polymethyl Methacrylate (PMMA). The benefits of acrylic material are beyond explanation. Following are the various acrylic options available in the market. 

● Anti-Reflection Acrylic

This acrylic material is optically coated and offers the best protection against the reflection of light. The lightweight property is an added benefit of acrylic material along with its abrasion resistance features.

● Clear Acrylic

Clear acrylic is popular for its property that resists shattering effects. It offers the best optical clarity and is super lightweight.

● Non-glare Acrylic

With no unnecessary glare, this material gives an attractive matte-like appearance to the picture frames. This option is best suitable for artwork that requires unique lighting arrangements.

Glass Vs. Acrylic Photo Frame Features

The following comparisons can be helpful for you while considering choosing the differences between acrylic and glass picture frames:

Display quality 

The natural tint of glass gradually leads to the reduction in shine and clarity of the picture. Also, the UV rays can cause the shades to fade, making the piece of art the least impressive. Meanwhile, the Acrylic display is transparent and reduces glare. It can give the pictures a durable finish with great aesthetics and powerful functionality against UV glare.

Weight and transport 

A glass-framed piece is heavier and requires special attention while handling the material. It needs to be cared for and carried without breaking. While glass is prone to damages and highly dangerous, acrylic framing options are the best since they are easy to carry and the least dangerous.

● Strength

The acrylic material is well known for its impact resistance, and durable option. While glass is incredibly heavy and very fragile, the acrylic material is a light, a good insulator, and reduces any risks of damages, etc. The damages caused by glass can’t be repaired. Also, the person could get wounds and physical damage from the shattered glass. Acrylic framing is safe and leaves no chances of damage.

● UV protection

UV acrylic material is well known for its capabilities to prevent damages from UV rays and direct light. The UV resistance of acrylic can block about 98% of the UV rays, making the photo frames highly reliable. Acrylic showcases vibrant colors while providing an anti-reflective surface, with its ideal glazing material.

● Cost concerns

Glass is more budget-friendly than acrylic. Though Acrylic is an expensive option compared to glass frames, their durability, strength, and quality speak for the cost and prove that they are worth the amount you spend on them.

● Modern finish 

Glass has a natural green tint with an iron content that develops over time. It might seem good to antique and traditional lovers, however, acrylic produces no tinting. Acrylic polishing gives an elegant modern matte finish to the frames that last for a long time.


It is clear from the above comparisons, that acrylic stands against the glass in terms of clarity,  durability, ease of use, etc. Acrylic is a great option you can go for while preserving the original artwork. The acrylic frame is a perfect choice that can make the photos and larger picture frames for keepsake such as professional, wedding, special event pictures look great and keep intact with non-glare finishes for a long time. 

Glass isn’t an option to rely on due to the high artwork damage potential, artwork fading, less degree of UV protection, shipping damages, etc. However acrylic gives superior convenience in the above circumstance with 100% shatterproof and anti-glare properties. Acrylic-paned picture frames bestow you with long-term benefits; you can enjoy pieces of art for a long time.


The greatest advantage of acrylic material is that it is non-toxic and crystal clear. The colorless acrylic sheets offer good transparency and high anti-aging properties. When you wish to hang the large-scale workpieces, acrylic is the ideal choice you can depend on, since they don’t bow with time.  

 Note: It is to note that acrylic material needs to be cleaned gently using a microfiber cloth instead of harsh chemicals.



1. Where to buy the best acrylic photo frames in Dubai?

To get the best acrylic photo frames in Dubai, Pleasant Plastic can be a reliable option, where you get unique and versatile acrylic plastic products including the acrylic box, acrylic panels, acrylic furniture, etc. The company offers you the best acrylic fabrication work in Dubai, Acrylic engraving and etching, and production of the highest quality acrylic sheets.

2. What is the difference between acrylic and plexiglass?

While there are no significant differences between both, in short, Plexiglass is a brand of Acrylic. There are many debates between the concepts of Acrylic Vs Plexiglass, the major difference is the way both are manufactured. While plexiglass is manufactured with the help of a cell cast, acrylic is manufactured with both extruded and cell cast.

3. How do you cut acrylic for picture frames?

Laser cutting is a fabrication process involved in laser cutting and engraving technologies. Pleasant Plastic offers high-grade Acrylic Laser Cutting in Dubai, with precise technology, framing desirable acrylic frames of various sizes and shapes. Apart from laser cutting, acrylic bending, and molding, acrylic painting and designing works are also handled by Pleasant Plastic.


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